Friday, March 20, 2020

Bubble-ology essays

Bubble-ology essays Purpose: Which soap can make the biggest bubble? Hypothesis: If we use dawn soap and blow a bubble then it will be the biggest one out of all the soap. 3 different brands of dish washing soap- A, B, C 1. Mix 5ml soap solution A, 50ml of distilled water and 1 drop of glycerin into a 250ml beaker. Mix with a stirring rod. 2. Pour some but not all the soap solution on your lab table and use your hands to rub the soap on the table about 40 cm in diameter. 3. Take a straw and touch a small bubble on the surface and blow into the straw until the bubble pops. 4. With the tape measure the diameter of the ring that was left by the soap bubble. Record the diameter in cm on data sheet. 5. Repeat until you have done 3 trials. 6. Repeat the process for soap solution B and C. Repeat steps 1-5. 1. State what you think is the scientific problem being investigated in lab. The scientific problem being investigated in this lab I think is which soap can make the biggest bubble. 2. According to the data, which soap brand made the largest average bubble? Were your predictions correct? In my data it showed that the Ivory soap brand made the largest average bubble. My predictions were incorrect. 3. What conclusions can you make about the price of the soap and the size of the bubbles? What is the basis for your conclusions? Is there any correlation? I dont know how much each soap brand cost but I think that the more expensive the more larger the bubbles will be because the companies probably spend more money for ...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Get Inspired By 21 Of The Best Content Marketing Examples In The Biz

Get Inspired By 21 Of The Best Content Marketing Examples In The Biz Content marketing has been around forever. *Fun fact* many accredit Benjamin Franklin as the first ever content marketer  when he published the yearly Poor Richard’s Almanack in 1732. Historical marketing fun facts aside, every marketer worth their salt has likely experimented with content marketing tactics. So much so, that the very concept might be starting to feel stale and overdone. But the stats speak for themselves, content marketing remains one of best tools in a marketers tool belt. Here’s what we know: 78% of consumers prefer getting to know a company through articles rather than ads. content marketing costs 62% less than traditional Marketing. Per dollar spent, content marketing generates approximately 3x more leads than traditional marketing. Companies that published 16+ blog posts per month got almost 3.5 times more traffic and 4.5 times more leads than companies that published zero to 4 monthly posts. 55% of marketers say blog content creation is their top inbound marketing priority. 47% of buyers viewed 3-5 pieces of content before engaging with a sales rep. Visual assets are the single biggest content contributor when it came to social media in 2017. After watching a video, 64% of users are more likely to buy a product online. 53% of content marketers use interactive content in lead generation efforts. Lead generation, sales, and lead nurturing are the top three organizational objectives for content marketers. Sources:; #didyouknow that #contentmarketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing?If you’ve become disgruntled with the state of your own content marketing and are feeling less than inspired, you’ve come to the right place. We’re breaking down 21 of our favorite content marketing campaigns to get your creative juices flowing. Download Your Free Content Marketing Template Bundle First things first†¦ what do all these amazing content marketing examples have in common? They are expertly executed and distributed seamlessly. Are you prepared to do the same? It’s going to be  awfully hard to rock your killer content marketing campaign if your implementation and team coordination is a mess. Download our free content marketing template bundle. It contains everything you need†¦ A content plan template to help you measure and learn from your success. An Email Marketing template to distribute and communicate your new initiative. A blog calendar template to plan every post ahead of time in one place. Download your *FREE* #contentmarketing template bundle to make planning your next campaign a cinch.Get More Organized Than Ever With When you’re completely fed up with managing spreadsheets, sifting through countless emails, and all the time-consuming meetings just to get your marketing team on the same page, considering upgrading to . It’s the only way to get all your marketing organized in one place. Get a bird’s eye view of everything your team is working on; and collaborate, plan and execute your entire marketing strategy in one place. From social media promotion to blogging†¦ you can plan it all with . No more bouncing from tool-to-tool or hacking project management platforms that weren’t made for marketing teams. brings everything you need into one place. Table of Contents Charmin Nerd Wallet IKEA Facebook Make-a-Wish Babylist Primary ASOS Wistia Hershey's Bank of America Headspace Zillow Four Seasons Magazine Nike AirBnB Save the Food Blendtec Pandora Shopify Glossier